
FFJC Appoints Priya Sarathy Jones as Co-Executive Director

In less than seven years since its founding, the Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC) has grown from a conversation across a dining room table into a national bipartisan movement that has made reform a reality in over 25 states across the country. Through research, direct advocacy and dedicated coalition-building, FFJC leads a national network of advocates, legislators, and community partners advancing reform and implementing policy changes to end the unjust use of monetary sanctions that is distorting our justice system.

As the movement continues to grow and evolve, so does FFJC. We are excited to announce the appointment of Priya Sarathy Jones as Co-Executive Director.

Priya, joins Joanna Weiss, Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, at the helm of the organization. Co-Founder and former Co-Executive Director Lisa Foster, will now serve as a Senior Advisor, leading the organization’s work with the judiciary and courts. This initiative aims to help judges use their authority to more fairly and equitably ensure accountability without undermining the financial stability of individuals, families and communities.  

“We have long been committed to the Co-Executive Director leadership model, even when we were an outlier in the non-profit world, because it relies on diverse perspectives, and adds leadership capacity. Through collaboration we get better decisions,” said Weiss. “I’m thrilled to share leadership with Priya whose deep expertise in fines and fees reform and enormous contributions to FFJC make her the ideal partner.” 

Appointed with the unanimous support of FFJC’s Board of Directors, Priya brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role. An attorney, policy expert and veteran of the US Department of Justice, Priya first joined FFJC nearly six years ago as the National Campaigns Director. In that role, Priya was the chief architect of FFJC’s national campaigns, Free to Drive and End Justice Fees, as well the lead in developing and implementing FFJC’s national technical and strategic assistance strategy. Her efforts supporting the growth of the work and the organization elevated her to the Deputy Executive Director, where she served supporting the Co-Executive Directors for over two years. Under Priya’s leadership, the Free to Drive campaign has supported the rollback of debt-based driver’s license suspensions in nearly half the states in just five years, and is one of the organization’s most successful efforts.

“I am so excited that Priya will be taking on this new leadership role at the Fines and Fees Justice Center,” said Karol Mason, President of John Jay College and FFJC Advisory Committee Member. “ Having known Priya since our days at the Department of Justice, I know she is ready for this role, and having her leadership will continue to take FFJC to new heights at a time when this work is so critical. The vision that launched this organization continues to motivate this team and its work and elevating Priya to co-lead this work alongside Joanna demonstrates FFJC’s commitment to pursuing this work for the long-term.”

Stepping into the role of Co-Executive Director, Priya brings more than substantive issue experience. She also brings a deep commitment, shaped by personal experiences, to incorporating the values and best practices that will make FFJC a model nonprofit. As FFJC charts new goals for itself and the movement, it does so with more diverse voices in the decision-making process, more attention to fostering and retaining talent and an increased focus on long-term strategic planning. 

“This is an exciting time in the movement to take on this role,” said Sarathy Jones. “After six years, helping to grow this organization and shape our national advocacy efforts, I’m proud of the success we’ve seen and ready to work with Joanna to start writing our next chapter. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to not only shape the field but also the lives of those who work here.”
