
Timely Tactics: Leveraging Budget Cycles to Drive Reform

How can advocates time their reforms to maximize impact? In our latest webinar we’ll guide you through each phase of a public budget cycle and highlight key opportunities for advocating for fine and fee reform.

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Tracking Fines and Fees Revenue Can Reveal Jurisdictions’ Actual Priorities

Budgets tell a powerful story about whether or not an elected official’s publicly stated values match their spending priorities. To understand the full story, we need to know not only how the government is choosing to spend its money (expenditures), but also how it’s choosing to raise it (revenue).

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1 in 3 Americans Impacted by Fines and Fees According to New National Survey

This study is the first to present a national overview of how court-imposed fines and fees are affecting people across the
country. Our findings reveal a disturbing trend among working families: money needed for food, housing, and healthcare is being redirected to pay off court debt.

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It's time to end unjust fines and fees.

The Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC) is a national advocacy organization working to create a justice system that treats individuals fairly, ensures public safety and is funded equitably. Learn more about our vision and our work.


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