
Utah S.B. 120 Juvenile Justice Amendments

Utah introduced a bill to end the assessment of  monetary fines in juvenile court cases.

Key provisions:

  • Repeals the requirement that the juvenile court impose a surcharge on penalties assessed by the juvenile court. 
  • Eliminates costs for retrieving a requested record from the juvenile court. 
  • Eliminates the fine or fee when a juvenile court finds a child in contempt of court .
  • Requires the juvenile court to vacate the balance due on any judgment imposing a fine, fee cost or other financial obligation on a minor, the minors parent guardian or custodian on or before May 4, 2022, if the underlying statutory authority is no longer in effect; makes the balance is unenforceable an uncollectible. 
  • Eliminates the filing fee for a petition of expungement.

You can read the full bill here.

Senator Todd D. Weiler
Senate Bill 120
Juvenile Justice Amendments