Will you join the fight to end unjust fines and fees?
The Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC) is a national hub for the fines and fees reform movement. We work with researchers, advocates, legislators, justice system stakeholders, and people impacted by unjust fine and fees practices. Our goal is to eliminate fees in the justice system and ensure fines are equitably imposed and enforced.
Visit our campaigns page, to learn more about our national campaigns and our state campaign work in New York, Florida, New Mexico and Nevada.
Get in touch.
Have you been impacted by fines and fees? Are you a legislator, advocate or organizer interested in joining our state and national campaigns or learning more about fines and fees practices, legislation and reforms? Get in touch by filling out the short form below.
For media inquiries, please contact FFJC Executive Assistant Kara Knappe