

Felicia Montalvo

Felicia Montalvo

Communications Deputy Director

Felicia is the Communications Deputy Director for the Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC) where she is responsible for designing and managing the organization’s digital presence and media assets across state, local and national campaigns.

Felicia previously served as the Creative Director for Rhetoric and Wit — where she led copy, tone of voice design and communications strategies for multinational consumer goods companies, non-profit organizations and tech start-ups.

Her extensive experience in the corporate world is coupled by her issue-based advocacy work at Bitch Media, where she wrote about the emerging risks of mass media, equitable access to biotechnologies and the troubling nature of artificial intelligence design. Felicia has also served as a pro bono communications advisor in the UK for NGOs working to promote human rights and create evidence-based alternatives to draconian drug laws.

In her other life as a comedian, Felicia teaches improv classes for women and performs stand-up around NYC and London. She is an avid birder, proud Barnard alum and NYC native.
