Monica Ault
New Mexico State Director
Monica Ault is the New Mexico State Director at the Fines and Fees Justice Center (FFJC). She works throughout New Mexico to advance state and local campaigns for fines and fees reform, in close collaboration with community-based organizations, state legislators, local elected officials, and a diverse group of stakeholders.
Monica has a wide range of experience working with municipalities and community-based organizations on projects related to criminal justice reform, public benefits, and health policy. Prior to joining FFJC, she was a Public Defender with the New Mexico Law Offices of the Public Defender and later contracted with them as a private criminal defense attorney. Monica served as a bill analyst for the Senate Judiciary Committee for the New Mexico legislature in 2019 and 2020. She also previously worked for the Drug Policy Alliance’s New Mexico office on a variety of legislative campaigns to reform drug sentencing and asset forfeiture laws, and to increase access to harm reduction services.