
FFJC & 50 Groups Send Letter to AAMVA Calling For Emergency Measures to Stop Debt-Based License Suspensions

Today, FFJC sent a letter on behalf of 50 organizations from the Free to Drive coalition calling on the American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators to ask its member agencies to take emergency measures to reduce debt-based driver’s license suspensions for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis.

You can read the full text of the letter here.

The letter is co-signed by the following organizations. An asterisk indicates the organization signed on after the letter was sent.

ACLU (National)
ACLU of Illinois
ACLU of Maryland
ACLU of Washington
Alabama Appleseed
ALEC Action
American Friends Service Committee-WV
Americans For Prosperity
Center for Employment Opportunities
Chicago Jobs Council
Civil Rights Corps
Due Process Institute
Equal Justice Under Law
Fines and Fees Justice Center
Georgia Justice Project*
Good + Foundation
Harvard Undergraduates for Bipartisan Solutions
Human Rights Defense Center
Insight Center for Community
Economic Development
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Justice & Accountability Center of Louisiana
Juvenile Law Center
Kansas Appleseed Center for Law and Justice*
Koch Industries
LatinoJustice PRLDEF
Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Legal Aid Justice Center*
Legal Aid Society*
Libertas Institute
Maryland Consumer Rights Coalition
Minnesota Asset Building Coalition
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
National Center for Law and Economic Justice
National Center for Youth Law
National Consumer Law Center
National Legal Aid & Defender Association
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty
North Carolina Justice Center
Ohio Poverty Law Center
Oklahoma Women’s Coalition
Prison Policy Initiative
Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Southern Legal Counsel, Inc.
Still She Rises, Tulsa
Texas Appleseed
Texas Civil Rights Project
Texas Fair Defense Project
The Bail Project
The Bronx Defenders
The Institute for Justice
The San Francisco Financial Justice Project
Tzedek DC*
UC Berkeley School of Law, Policy Advocacy Clinic
Washington Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Washington Defender Association
