
Florida SB 1328/HB 903: Fines and Fees [Driver’s license suspension]

This bill would end driver’s license suspensions for unpaid fines and fees in Florida and allow people who owe fines and fees to make reasonable installment payments.

You can read the full text of the bill here or here. FFJC’s Florida campaign supports this legislation, and the Orlando Sentinel also published an endorsement. Related: FFJC’s research reveals that millions of Floridians are harmed by driver’s license suspension for unpaid fines and fees.

Key Provisions
  • Ends driver’s license suspension when underlying basis is overdue fines and fees payments owed in criminal cases or minor traffic citations
  • Allows individuals whose license was suspended solely for non-payment to obtain their driver’s license after paying a reinstatement fee
  • Creates a uniform process for individuals who owe fines or fees to apply for and obtain a payment plan based on their ability to pay
  • Eliminates monthly $5 payment plan fee, reduces one-time administrative payment plan fee to $5 for indigent individuals
  • Requires clerks to set monthly payments at 2% average monthly income amount or $10/month, whichever is greater.


Byron Donalds, Tom Wright
Senate Bill 1328
Fines and fees