
Alaska v. Jouppi

Issues 1. Whether the forfeiture of property based on being utilized in the commission of a crime is subject to the excessive fines clause of the U.S. Constitution. 2. Whether, as …

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Lopez

Issue Whether Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 706(C) requires a trial court to consider a defendant’s ability to pay prior to imposing mandatory court costs at sentencing. Pa.R.Crim.P. 706(C) reads: “The court, …

Johnson v. Goodwin

Johnson v. Goodwin (Formerly Johnson v. Jessup)  Case No. 1:18-cv-00467 (M.D. N.C. 2022) On March 3, 2022, a federal court accepted a settlement in this class action lawsuit brought against the …

Miles v. Craighead County

Issue: Whether costs and fees collected in amounts greater than what is permitted by law constitutes an illegal exaction.   Holding: Yes, charging costs and fees not permitted by law …

City of Seattle v. Long

Summary: Steven Long worked as a general tradesman and stored work tools and personal items in his truck, where he had been living since he was evicted from his apartment in …

Carter v. Montgomery

Hundreds of individuals were assessed fines by the Montgomery Municipal Court for misdemeanors, primarily traffic tickets like driving with a suspended license and other low-level crimes of poverty.  When they …

Meade v. Bonin et al

When the Orleans Parish Criminal District Court (“OPCDC”) orders a defendant to sign up for ankle monitoring, the defendant must choose from three private ankle monitoring providers operating in Orleans …