Jones v. Clark County 635 S.W.3d 54 (KY 2021) Issue: Whether the detention center’s policy of billing an inmate for fees accumulated during pretrial incarceration violated both the state and federal …
The Florida legislature recently introduced a bill eliminating fees assessed to juveniles. Balances of any court fees owed by a child, young adult, or a child’s parent or legal guardian …
Social determinants like court debt can negatively influence an individual’s health. Through healthcare hotspotting, the Rutgers Law School/Camden Coalition, Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) serves individuals with various medical and legal issues …
After the killing of Michael Brown by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, the Department of Justice (DOJ) found Ferguson’s focus on generating revenue over public safety, along with racial …
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is offering discounts on citations and fees for people experiencing homelessness. Discounts include a one-time waiver of all open parking citations, removal of …
Many state revenue policies are rooted in racist history and continue to worsen racial inequities and harm public safety. For example, the white supremacist group, the Redeemers, took political power …
As momentum for reforming the monetary justice system has grown, juvenile justice advocates have called for the abolition of monetary sanctions. However, previous research has not examined the financial impact …
The California Legislature introduced AB 177 which would end the collection of an additional 17 administrative fees charged to people who come into contact with the criminal system. The bill …
San Francisco’s cost of living has drastically risen over the past decade, and 47 percent of San Franciscans are financially insecure. To address harmful fines and fees practices, San Francisco …
The OmniBase Failure to Appear Program places holds on license renewals (making it an offense to drive) when the license holder fails to pay fines and fees or fails to …